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Wellington Primary School & Nursery



Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding.

Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of Science enquiries that help them to answer specific questions about the world around them.

Ensure that they are equipped with the Scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of Science.

Lessons need to be skills based with knowledge taught through this.

Develop curiosity, creativity and independence.

Ensure working scientifically skills are built on and developed though out school.

Ensure curriculum is sequenced using skills and knowledge progression documents and is accessible to all children.

PSHE and British Values links to be addressed through age related Animals, including humans topic and key individuals.


Science planned using medium term format including problem solving activities to allow children to find out for themselves. Where possible, linked to other curriculum topics.

Children encouraged to ask questions.

Teachers to create engaging lessons, with high quality resources and using precise questioning that support and challenge all abilities.

Use assessment to identify gaps in learning.

Build upon this learning using whole school overview, skills and knowledge progression documents.

Working scientifically to be embedded in lessons.

New vocabulary to be discussed and used in spelling lists.

Curriculum to be enhanced through educational visits, inviting those involved in the real life science world into school, whole school Science week, competitions and workshops.  Gifted and Talented identified and involved in these workshops.


Track progress through the Progress Tracker Program, End of Year judgement, learning walks and pupil interviews to ensure subject knowledge and skills are consolidated before moving forward and to allow teachers to inform planning in light of this evidence.

Children will acquire age related knowledge but also the skills to move forward.

Children will have a richer vocabulary.

A fun and engaging curriculum will provide the children with the foundations and knowledge to understand the world.

Children will learn through first hand experiences and link these to everyday life.

Children will aspire to have future role in a Scientific work place.