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Wellington Primary School & Nursery


Class Newsletter

rabbits summer term.pdf

Our learning 

We love exploring the outdoors in Rabbits, and have been making the most of the sunny weather. 

In our English and Science lessons, we have been learning all about plants and their structures. 

We have been learning lots of new information to help us to create our own informative plant booklets, and have enjoyed sketching plants in our local environment. 


We channelled our inner Harry Potter in Rabbits, and enjoyed our very own Quidditch Day! The day began with a Sorting Hat Assembly where were put into Hogwarts houses - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw - and then continued with every class learning how to play Quidditch and earning points for their house in a variety of ways. The day was filled with many more Harry Potter experiences in our classes, and ended with the awarding of the Quidditch Cup to the victorious house - Ravenclaw!

What a magical day!





We had a wonderful time at The Courtyard Hereford, watching Zog and the flying doctors; based on Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's bestselling sequel. The children enjoyed watching the story unfold live on stage, and listening to the wonderful music. 

Supporting learning at home 

london homework.pdf


World Book Day

We all absolutely loved dressing up for World Book Day in March. In Rabbits, reading stories is one of our favourite things to do, so we took great pride in coming to school as some of our favourite book characters. 

Can you guess who some of us might be? 

Shining Stars! 

Year 1 and 2 recently enjoyed taking part in the annual Sing Spring celebrations, held at St Martins Primary School. They confidently sang a selection of Spring songs as part of a choir, and then sang their own Spring flowers song with such beautiful, sunny voices! 

We were all SO proud of them for showing such determination, confidence and enthusiasm; they really blew our crowd of families away! ⭐