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Wellington Primary School & Nursery



Summer Term Newsletter

summer term newsletter hedgehogs 2.pdf

Summer Term learning: Enchanted Garden

We have enjoyed exploring all things magical, under our topic ‘the Enchanted Woodland’. The children enjoyed helping to create our own fairy gardens, painting wooden reels and adding different pictures to make them look more magical. They have played beautifully with our fairies, creating their own stories and using their imaginations.

We loved going on a nature hunt, finding our own magic wands. The children hunted for their perfect stick, which we came back and decorated in nursery. We looked at the different size sticks we found, talked about what magic powers we could have and really enjoyed using them in their own role play.

Tea Party and Graduation

To link with our enchanted garden topic, Hedgehogs received a letter from Mr. Fox.

Hello Woodland Explorers,

Would you like to join us for a special woodland party deep in the woods?

There will be plenty to eat, games to play and creatures to meet.

We would love to see you there!

Best wishes,

Mr Fox

We were very excited by this letter as we had been exploring all things woodland and magical creatures. So, we thought we could include this invitation in with our own graduation celebrations. All of our parents and friends were invited to come and celebrate with us in our own magical woodland. The children made some party favourite’s including fairy cakes and jam sandwiches! We enjoyed eating our food, alongside family and friends. We then celebrated each child, especially the children who were moving on to Reception.

The Lion King 

This year we were excited to be taking part in the Year 6 end of school production of The Lion King. Hedgehogs class were cast as tropical birds and we learnt the songs ‘Circle of Life’ and ‘Hakuna Mata’. The children made their own tropical bird head dresses, wore bright clothing and rocked a sparkly feather boa. How fantastic do they look?

Understanding the World 

Understanding the World is one of the four specific areas of learning in the EYFS framework. It involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology, and the environment.

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection and Hedgehogs enjoyed taking part this year with the whole school. We enjoyed exploring the forest school area, hunting for different insects and recording what we found. We found spiders, woodlouse, slugs and worms, lots and lots of worms! 

The PTFA also supplied each class with new planters and parents kindly gifted us with some plants. The children helped to plant the flowers and they have been displayed outside and around the school grounds. The children enjoyed using the garden tools to scoop the compost and make holes for the flowers. 

Special Visitors

As a nursery, we are always looking at ways of developing the children’s knowledge and Understanding of the World around us. Linking to our topic of ‘Marvellous Machines’ we have been lucky enough to have enriched the children’s knowledge by having a local special visitor. We very much enjoyed a visit from a local police officer!


Areas of learning: Physical Development

In the early years children are establishing patterns of activity which will affect their whole future. Physical development is the growth and development of both brain and body and involves developing control of muscles and physical coordination. We are very lucky here at Wellington to have access to a large outdoor area. During Summer term, we have made use of these benefits by taking part in sports day, going on nature walks and just having fun with different sized balls in a large open space.


The Everywhere Bear

In Hedgehogs we have a nursery bear which each child gets to take home. A take home teddy bear is an activity which helps connect what the children are learning in nursery and extending that into their home. It is a chance for the children to share their own experiences with the bear and then talk about those experiences in nursery. We use the story ‘The Everywhere Bear’ by Julia Donaldson to help support this.

 Here are some of the amazing adventures the bear has been on...



Please Don’t Forget…

  • Healthy/appropriate snacks and lunchboxes to be provided please
  • A labelled bottle of water

If you would like your child to have hot dinners, please speak to Mrs Reynolds in the office.

If you have any questions regarding nursery please speak to Miss Sevenoaks (Nursery Manager) or Clare (Nursery assistant).

Email: esevenoaks@wellington.hereford.sch.uk